Coleman® Licensed Products

Coleman Licensing Information

Although Coleman has an extensive line of product that we manufacture and sell, some Coleman branded products are manufactured for us by other companies (licensed product). For more information about these companies and how to contact the correct manufacturer of your Coleman branded product, please CLICK HERE

Brand Licensing Opportunities

Coleman continues to explore opportunities in other categories in which we do not manufacture. If you are interested in licensing any of the Coleman brands on product your company manufactures, please email with the following information:

  1. Brand inquiring about
  2. Product category for consideration
  3. Presentation on Company history and capabilities
  4. Company website

Once the above information is reviewed, you will be contacted with Coleman’s interest level.

Please note, if you want Coleman to consider your product for our internal product line, you will need to review our Patent and Invention Submission page for proper submission process.

For Invention Submissions, please CLICK HERE